My friend, Marie, recently accepted a job in Tulsa, but her training is here OKC. I've been watching her boys while she's job training. Friday was a beautiful day here & I took the boys to the zoo. We stopped for a lunch break & I took this picture.
Jeff's brothers family invited Landon to spend a week with them in Phoenix. Susanne & Lauren were in Tulsa visiting Jeff's mom & Landon flew back home with them. He had a BLAST!!! He enjoyed playing with his cousins, Lauren, Joshua, & Brennan. Susanne told me that he started to cry the morning they were packing his stuff up to catch his plane back to Oklahoma. He didn't want to come home.....hahahahaha! (can't blame him, I love Phoenix too. I cry when everytime I board the plane headed back to Oklahoma too)
We took pictures of Landon & everyone at the Tulsa airport before they left.
Stacy,my childhood friend, came to visit us for a weekend. Landon made her a noodle necklace & a bouquet of flowers. (I drew the flowers, he colored them) He greeted her at the airport with both homemade gifts in hand. She wearing the necklace in these pictures.
They too are best of pals. She teases him & he teases her right back!
Landon got a scooter for Valentine's day. My parent's came over for the day & took us out to lunch. Afterwards they took Landon over to Wal-mart to pick out a toy. With my parent's help, he picked out a scooter. He's AWESOME on it!
I was born and raised in Wichita, KS. I graduated from Pittsburg State University. I'm a early childhood education teacher and a full time Mom. I've been married since 2004 and I have a little boy.